SURE - Certification

The SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES Verification Scheme (SURE) is a voluntary certification scheme recognized by the European Commission, eligible to prove the fulfilment of the criteria for compliance with sustainability and greenhouse gas savings in accordance with the Renewable Energy Directive, Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (RED II).


The European Union including Austria set ambitious renewable energy targets to speed up the clean energy transition. Biomass will be an important player in this process. Proof that the biomass used was obtained in a sustainable manner is therefore becoming increasingly important.

Certification according to the SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES Verification Scheme (SURE) is one way of providing this evidence. This proof is mandatory for CHP plants (and subsequently economic operators in the supply chain) who, under certain conditions in accordance with RED II, must provide evidence of compliance with sustainability criteria and greenhouse gas savings criteria for biomass used in the plant.

A valid SURE certificate confirms that the respective company is regularly monitored by an external body in accordance with the requirements of the SURE-EU certification program and meets all requirements within the scope of certification.

For the time beeing we only offer the certification for Austrian companies.

Further information about the SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES Verification Scheme (SURE) can be found at SURE-website

Contact person

DI Monika Steiner

P:+43 1 798 26 23-912
E:Get in touch

Our services

By region

The activity as a certification body for the SURE-EU certification scheme is for now limited to companies located in Austria.

According to the type of biomass

The activity as a certification body for the SURE-EU certification scheme is limited to the use of solid biomass fuels, which originate from forest biomass.

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