ÖNORM tested

The “ÖNORM tested” certification scheme regulates the procedure of the certification process for school furniture, briquettes, burglary-resistant doors and windows, fire protection fittings, protective fittings, locks, locking cylinders, and other components. The respective proof issued by Holzforschung Austria is used by the certification body Austrian Standards plus GmbH to issue certificates. The ÖNORM geprüft certificates can form the basis for funding.


ÖNORM tested construction fittings

In the case of burglary-resistant doors, the security fittings, locking cylinders and in some cases even the locks can be replaced if they are replaced by ones tested according to ÖNORM B 5351. When it comes to fire protection doors in accordance with ÖNORM B 3850, an ÖNORM B 3859 certification enables the use of alternative door handles, door knobs, door signs and rosettes without the need for a separate approval from the fire inspection body. Holzforschung Austria audits the manufacture of the products worldwide in accordance with the requirements of the respective standard, usually once a year.

ÖNORM tested briquettes

ÖNORM EN ISO 17225-3 regulates all product properties of briquettes. The national Annex to this standard regulates annual external monitoring and independent testing. This makes "ÖNORM tested" the only certification system worldwide with on-site monitoring for briquettes and enables companies to appear in the premium segment.

ÖNORM tested burglary-resistant elements

The certificates issued can e.g. be recognized by insurance companies as proof of burglary resistance, and they also form the basis for subsidies for door replacement. A valid ÖNORM certificate confirms that the respective company fulfils all requirements of the ÖNORM and the certification scheme and is regularly externally monitored by Holzforschung Austria.

ÖNORM tested school furniture

The school furniture is tested according to ÖNORM EN 1729-1 and -2 and ÖNORM A 1650 with regard to ergonomics, safety, marking, materials and workmanship (e.g. surfaces). The inspection of production is usually carried out once a year in accordance with the requirements of ÖNORM A 1650. The certificates can serve as proof of product conformity in public tenders.

Contact persons

Burglary-resistant elements

DI (FH) Jens Schöne

P:+43 1 798 26 23-79
E:Get in touch

Doors and fittings

DI Martin Wieser

P:+43 1 798 26 23-47
E:Get in touch


Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Haider

P:+43 1 798 26 23-66
E:Get in touch

School furniture

Dipl.-HTL-Ing. Michael Truskaller

P:+43 1 798 26 23-26
E:Get in touch

Our services

ÖNORM tested briquettes

Initial inspection and monitoring of wood briquettes according to ÖNORM EN ISO 17225-3 (including national Annex) as the basis for the certification by the ASI. Our independent auditors monitor briquette production once a year and take the sample to test the fuel quality.

ÖNORM tested school furniture

Initial testing and inspection of school furniture according to ÖNORM A 1650 "Workplaces for pupils – Technical safety and ergonomic requirements for chairs and tables – Complementary provisions to ÖNORM EN 1729-1 and ÖNORM EN 1729-2“

ÖNORM tested burglary-resistant elements

Initial testing and monitoring of: ÖNORM B 5338 – Burglar resistant windows, doors and additional shutters.

ÖNORM tested construction fittings

Initial testing and monitoring of:

  • ÖNORM B 5351 – Burglary resistant building hardware – locks, striking plates, protective fittings, cylinders and additional products for windows and doors
  • ÖNORM B 3858 – Door locks – Upright lever mortice locks for fire resisting doors
  • ÖNORM B 3859 – Building hardware – Leverhandles, knobs, escutcheons and roses for fire resisting doors

Available infrastructure

  • Thermogravimetry: Leco, simultaneous determination of ash content for six samples in three-fold determination
  • Calorimeter: IKA, Calorific value determination and bomb digestion for elemental analysis
  • IC/UV/CD: Thermo Fisher Scientific, Ion Chromatography with UV and conductivity detector, sulfur and chlorine content
  • ICP-OES: Thermo Fisher Sci­en­tific, iCAP PRO XP Duo, in­duc­tively cou­pled plasma op­ti­cal emis­sion spec­trom­e­try for in­or­ganic el­e­men­tal analy­sis
  • Burglary test stand
  • Fitting test stands testing for strength, continuous performance, and corrosion
  • Furniture test stands
  • Test stand for determining the dimensions of student armchairs according to ÖNORM EN 1729-1
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