Quality labels

Many of our customers or their products are carriers of the Austria quality label or a RAL quality label. We check the compliance with the criteria that led to the awarding or authorization for the use of different quality labels. The basis for the award are product guidelines and/or standards as well as the basic criteria of the awarder of the label. Traditional industries are the furniture, prefabricated house, planing, or also the window and door industries.


Regulated/unregulated area

Many of the services performed by HFA are provided in the so-called regulated area. This means that it is mandatory to be in compliance with certain requirements due to legal requirements for the respective product.

However, this obligation does not exist for many products. That is the unregulated area.
How can I now highlight my high-quality product in the market? This often happens through quality organizations, associations or the like, which work out rules together. If standards already exist for this product, they are mostly used as a basis, but are often supplemented with higher, more stringent requirements.

Independent conformity assessment

Independent third parties, such as Holzforschung Austria, are used to check and monitor compliance with these criteria.
The reports created are made available to the guideline provider and/or a body appointed by it, who then decides on the awarding of the corresponding quality labels. This body then acts in a way that's very similarly to a certification body.

Holzforschung Austria is recognized by a wide variety of guideline providers in this capacity, mostly via the detour of accreditation.
Austria quality label, RAL quality label, Österreichisches Umweltzeichen, to name just a few of these quality labels.



Contact persons

Prefabricated houses, prefabricated components

DI Sylvia Polleres

P:+43 1 798 26 23-67
E:Get in touch


Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Illy

P:+43 1 798 26 23-31
E:Get in touch

Planed materials

Dipl.-Ing. (BA) Eugen Spitaler

P:+43 1 798 26 23-48
E:Get in touch

List of quality labels

GR for windows

Quality regulations for wooden windows and wood-aluminium windows

GR pressure treated wood

Quality regulations for pressure treated wood

GR furniture

Quality regulations for furniture

RAL-GZ 421

Quality assurance of wood raw element production – quality and test regulations

RAL-GZ 422

Quality assurance for timber house construction – quality and test regulations

Regulativ Austria-Gütezeichen

General Terms and Conditions (formerly "REGULATIV") of the ÖQA "Austrian consortium for the promotion of quality" for the granting the right to use the AUSTRIA GÜTEZEICHEN quality label


Provisions for issuing the glued laminated timber surveillance marking (BS-Holz) of the Studiengemeinschaft Holzleimbau e.V. (CTT Council of Timber Technology)

GL window scantlings

Guideline – Solid, finger-jointed and laminated profiles for wooden windows – Requirements and testing

GL Prefabricated houses

Quality guideline for prefabricated houses in timber construction

GL Weight measurement of industrial round timber

Guideline for weight measurement of industrial round timber

GL Planed goods

Quality guidelines for planed goods

GL Pulpwood

Timber takeover guidelines – Papierholz Austria

GL Measurement of sawmill by-products

FHP – Guideline on the measurement of sawmill by-products

GL Wall-ceilings

Guideline for the monitoring of wall, ceiling and roof panels for wooden houses in panel construction according to DIN 1052 Teil 1-3

ÜG solid construction timber

Implementation regulations of the Überwachungsgemeinschaft Konstruktionsvollholz e.V.

UZ 01

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for lacquers, glazes and wood sealing lacquers

UZ 06

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for wooden furniture

UZ 07

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for wood, wood-based materials and wooden floor coverings

UZ 28

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for weatherproof wood products

UZ 34

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for office work chairs and office chairs

UZ 38

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for fuels from biomass

UZ 54

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for low-emission upholstered furniture

UZ 55

Österreichisches Umweltzeichen for bed mattresses


Quality guidelines Verband der europäischen Hobelwerke

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