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If you are looking for cutting-edge know-how, you've come to the right place. Imparting knowledge is an integral part of our mission. Our offers range from courses, seminars, and industry meetings to numerous specialist brochures for practitioners and specialist articles. With our free online platforms, we also offer comprehensive information on the subject of wood – 24/7.


HFA specialist library

The international library of Holzforschung Austria holds an outstanding position among the European timber specialist libraries. The literature comprises the specialist areas of the entire wood value chain, from forestry to wood processing to the paper industry, with an emphasis on the mechanical and chemical technology of wood in terms of basic research, applied research, and industrial and craft practice.

As a fee-based service, Holzforschung Austria has made the literature entries which have been digitally recorded since 1988 available online at www.holzrecherche.at. New additions are continuously entered into the database.

What is available?

  • more than 9,000 specialist books and special print editions
  • more than 200 trade journals (you can find the available journals of Holzforschung Austria in the online database with the keyword "Zeitschriften Gesamtbestand HFA")
  • more than 170,000 documented titles (retrospectively back to 1948, digitally recorded since 1988) with ongoing updates (approx. 1,500 titles per year)
  • The database contains around 50,000 literature references (as of November 2014).

Paths to stored knowledge:

  • Visit to the library (by appointment, tel. +43 1 798 26 23-40)
  • Ordering a search
  • Ordering of selected text copies after research on www.holzrecherche.at


The books and magazines can only be used on site in the library. Ordered copies will be sent through mail. We calculate (excl. VAT):

  • Copy costs (0.50 euros per page)
  • Shipping costs (2.00 euros in Austria, 4.00 euros abroad)

Contact person

Dr. Andreas Suttner

P:+43 1 798 26 23-40
E:Get in touch

Online search help

The main catalogue can be searched by using a full text search.

Tip: generate more focused and productive search results by the use of Boolean operators (simple words like and, or, * to combine or exclude keywords in a search).

Literature reference example author:     Clorius, C. O.; Pedersen, M. U.; et al. (2000)

Title Compressive fatigue in wood
Title translation Ermüdungen im Holz durch Druck
Language Tx. engl.
Publication Details Wood Science and Technology 34, 1, 21 - 37
Keywords Kompression, Ermüdungserscheinungen, Holzeigenschaften, Picea spp.
Abstract Druckbelastungszyklen erfolgten parallel zur Faser, Ermüdungserscheinungen des Holzes (Proben aus Fichtenholz) wurden untersucht.
Shelfmark HZ 324
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