research areas:
Building & living
Eco­log­i­cal as­pects
project status: completed

The project aimed to improve the quality of indoor air with scavenger-materials. These materials are able to adsorb chemical substances out of their surroundings and bind them. Several kinds of Scavengers, which should be easy to combine with building materials, were tested in regard to their adsorption properties. To define the properties needed for indoor-air-quality enhancement, measurements in actual residential buildings were essential and therefor also part of this project. The performance of the most promising Scavengers were then also tested in real living spaces.

The project IASca ran under the lead of Holzforschung Austria in the Collective Research Programm of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), was financially supported by the Fachverband der Holzindustrie (FV) and was conducted in cooperation with the Austrian Institute for Healthy and Ecological Building (IBO).

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