
research areas:
Building & living
Eco­log­i­cal as­pects
Raw & construction materials
project status: ongoing

Softwood bark is a by-product of the timber industry that is currently mostly used to produce energy and heat. In the project SuperBark, phenolic components and microfibrillated cellulose are extracted from bark. Holzforschung Austria explores the use of these bark components in coatings for transportation plywood and plywood in outdoor applications. The aim is to develop coatings with more than 95% bio-based ingredients. These coatings must meet high requirements for hardness, scratch resistance and weathering resistance, while contributing to environmental protection and climate neutrality and reducing the dependence on fossil raw materials.

The project is supported by the Circular Bio based Europe Joint Undertaking and its members.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CBE JU. Neither the European Union nor the CBE JU can be held responsible for them.

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