Holzforschung Austria

Holzforschung Austria – Austrian Forest Products Research Society (HFA-ÖGH) was founded in 1948. With about 100 employees, Holzforschung Austria is the largest research and testing institute for wood in Austria.


Seminar registration & cancellation conditions

Seminar information and registration

You can register via Post, FAX or E-Mail: FAX 0043 (0) 1 / 798 26 23 – 50 E-Mail: seminare@holzforschung.at

More information: Sandra Fischer: Tel: +43 / 1 / 798 26 23 – 10

After registration, seminar participants will receive an invoice. This is valid as confirmation of registration. The number of participants is partially limited. We therefore consider the registrations in the order in which they are received.

Cancellation policy

Cancellations can only be accepted in writing. When canceling up to 10 days before the start of the event, the seminar fee minus a 25% processing fee will be refunded. In the event of later cancellation or non-participation, the full fee will be charged. The designation of a substitute person is possible. Holzforschung Austria as the organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel seminars if there is insufficient interest or for other important reasons. In the event of cancellation, we will refund payments made.

Email registrations for events are subject to the Distance Selling Act (BGBl. I No. 185/1999).

Impressum der Holzforschung Austria

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