Industrial wood takeover

Holzforschung Austria can look back on decades of experience as a neutral monitoring body at the interface between forestry, paper, and board industries. An example of this is our control activity in the takeover of industrial wood according to the ATRO weight as part of the cooperation agreement Forst-Platte-Papier (FHP).


Regulations for weight measurement of industrial wood in Austria

Millions of cubic meters of industrial round timber, wood chips, sawdust and wood shavings are delivered to the domestic paper, pulp, and board industries every year. The way in which these goods are measured is therefore of great monetary importance. With the FHP guidelines developed by Holzforschung Austria for weight measurement of industrial wood or sawmill by-products, Austrian companies have reliable rules at their disposal that ensure practical takeover based on scientific findings.

Regular inspections by inspectors from the Holzforschung Austria

In order to ensure in the interests of all market partners that the activities defined in the FHP directives are in fact carried out in accordance with the directives by trained employees who have been tested by Holzforschung Austria, or that all the equipment used in fact meets the requirements, we as a state-accredited inspection body conduct unannounced inspections at the takeover plants several times a year and report back to those responsible for FHP.

Support in the development and implementation of company-specific guidelines

Furthermore, together with national and international companies and associations, we develop individual concepts for the takeover of industrial wood, we train and certify the takeover staff and check the correct implementation of the takeover directive.

Contact person

Dr. Michael Golser

P:+43 1 798 26 23-62
E:Get in touch

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